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Table 1 Raw and recalculated grain types and categories for point-counting and petrofacies classification

From: Provenance of upper Permian-lowermost Triassic sandstones, Wutonggou low-order cycle, Bogda Mountains, NW China: implications on the unroofing history of the Eastern North Tianshan Suture





Nonundulose monocrystalline quartz


Undulose monocrystalline quartz


Polycrystalline quartz with metamorphic textures


Polycrystalline quartz without metamorphic textures


Chert and chalcedony


Potassium feldspar




Volcanic lithic with felsic texture


Volcanic lithic with microlitic texture


Volcanic lithic with lathwork texture


Volcanic lithic with vitric texture


Unidentified volcanic lithic


Mudrock fragment


Siltstone fragment


Sandstone fragment


Metamorphic lithic




Accessory transparent minerals


Opaque minerals


Bioclastic grains


Unidentified grain



Qnu + Qu


Qpt + Qpw + Cht


Qm + Qp


K + P


Lvf + Lvmi+Lvl + Lvv + Lvun


Lmd + Lslt+Lsd


Lm + Qpt


Ls + Cht


Lv + Ls + Lm


Lv + Lmt + Lst