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Fig. 36 | Journal of Palaeogeography

Fig. 36

From: The turbidite-contourite-tidalite-baroclinite-hybridite problem: orthodoxy vs. empirical evidence behind the “Bouma Sequence”

Fig. 36

Diagram illustrating the doctrine of uniformitarianism. The outer red circle represents critical knowledge sources of modern systems. The inner black circle represents the past (i.e., the ancient rock record). A comprehensive knowledge of modern systems is imperative in interpreting (i.e., vertical blue arrow) the ancient rock record. Note the prevailing disconnection between modern and ancient systems in terms of observation in modern environments and interpretation of ancient record (Fig. 35). The reason for this disconnection is our failure to apply uniormitarianism in developing criteria for distinguishing traction structures formed by different bottom currents. From Shanmugam (2021a). Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink: Licensee: G. Shanmugam. License Number: 4986760519280. License Date: January 12, 2021

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