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Table 1 Textural and structural symbols used in the present study

From: A record of deglaciation-related shifting of the proximal zone of a sandur — a case study from the Gwda sandur, NW Poland (MIS 2)

  1. Abbreviations of sediments with their structure refer to Zieliński and Pisarska-Jamroży (2012): Gp Gravels with planar cross-stratification; GSp Sandy gravels with planar cross-stratification; SGp Gravelly sands with planar cross-stratification; SGt Gravelly sands with trough cross-stratification; St Sands with trough cross-stratification; Se Sands with erosional scour fill structure; Sh Sands with horizontal lamination; Sr Sands with ripple cross-lamination; Src Sands with climbing ripple cross-lamination; FSw Sandy fines with wavy lamination; Fm Massive fines